How do you and your family prepare for the upcoming cold and flu season?
Did you know immune boosting strategies gives you the BEST protection against viral infections like the cold and flu?
The fact is, the status of your immune system is the most powerful determinant of whether or not you’ll get sick this flu season… with flu or one of the hundreds of other flu-like illnesses going around.
SMRT Health is excited to offer a natural solution to cold and flu prevention. This boosts your bodies defences to help you fight all strains of the the flu virus as well as colds.
This product stands apart because:
- it is well tolerated
- help protect you against all the viruses and bacteria going around
- been on the market for more than 60 years
- increases recovery times from colds and flus
- it is safe even for your youngest family members
- highly effective even at the FIRST signs of feeling unwell
- can also reduce the intensity and duration of your symptoms.
- works even if you get the FLU SHOT
The program includes:
- A 15 minute consultation with the Naturopathic Doctor
- An in office administered natural immune booster
- A Cold and Flu information handout containing health tips and at home remedies
COST: $35